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Back-To-School Blues

It’s back-to-school season once again. Exciting time for kids but not necessarily for you. Adults around the world go through a lot of stress this time of year. Asking themselves if the kids have complete school supplies. Will they be able to fit in? What about their “baon”? Will I give them money or prepare […]

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June – Let’s talk about men’s health

Richard Gomez, Aga Muhlach, and Ian Veneracion. Apart from their stunningly good looks, what else do they have in common? All of them have breached that dreaded 40-year-old mark. Not 40 yet? Continue reading because this is for you too. What you do in your 20’s and 30’s, will be reaped when you get to […]

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Common Summer Diseases And How To Avoid Them

It’s the fiesta season! But don’t let common summer diseases ruin your day. According to the DOH, the five most common summer diseases are sunburn, flu, sore eyes, stomach ailments and skin diseases. Sunburns are fairly common during festivals that peak during the month of May. Revelers are exposed under the grueling heat with their […]

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Telemedicine’s Potential Role in the Philippine Healthcare System

Ever wondered why it takes so long for you to see a doctor? Or why most doctors shuttle from one clinic to another to serve a multitude of patients? The answer is quite simple. There are not enough doctors to serve the public. According to Dr. Paulyn Ubial, DOH’s former secretary, “The Philippines has a […]

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