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Why is it important to keep hydrated always?

There are many reasons why it is so important to drink water every day. First and foremost is the maintenance of body temperature. There is also the prevention of painful joints because water lubricates them. Water also helps prevent infections, carry nutrients to every cell throughout the body, and keep the body’s organs functioning properly. […]

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Health protocols amidst the rising COVID-19 cases in our country

Currently, the Philippines has an approximate 850,000 confirmed cases. COVID-19 cases is still rising up to this day and we need to strictly follow health protocols if we want to lessen the upsurge and go back to the way things were. COVID-19 can be transmitted through close contact and several situations such as: living or […]

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How to Prepare Your Kids for a Teleconsultation Session

With summer illnesses on the rise, stay cool at home and talk to a doctor for any health concerns your kids may have. Summer in the Philippines lasts from March to May. For Pinoy families, this season usually means vacations and time spent outdoors having fun with family and friends. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic […]

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Keeping your skin healthy during this summer season

The summer season is here! As the seasons shift, so do our skin’s requirements. Because of the harsh rays of the sun, it becomes much more difficult to keep the skin soft, healthy, and sparkling during the hotter months. When it comes to sun damage, too much exposure to ultraviolet rays (UV rays) can cause […]

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