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What is hypertension?

When the heart beats, it creates a pressure that pushes blood through a network of blood vessels. This pressure is known as Blood Pressure. The normal blood pressure for an individual is 120/80 mmHg. Hypertension or High Blood pressure happens when there is persistently elevated pressure in the blood vessels. Your blood pressure changes throughout […]

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How to keep your home disinfected

For the healthier body of each family member, everyone’s goal should be to keep the whole house clean with the help of proper hygiene and sanitation. Often, viral infections such as coughs, colds, and flu are transmitted not outside the home but right inside, caused by an unsanitary environment. It can also be taken outside, […]

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How the COVID-19 pandemic changed the health and consultation landscape

Healthcare professionals weigh in on the importance of telemedicine in strengthening our healthcare systems. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared 2021 to be the International Year of Health and Care Workers (YHCW) in appreciation and gratitude for their dedication in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Under a shared vision of “Health for All”, […]

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Celebrate Mother’s Day in a healthy way

Mother’s Day is a time for handmade cards, celebratory breakfasts, and surprises that remind mom how much she is appreciated. One of the most powerful things you can do for this Mother’s Day is to focus on mom’s health, and women’s health in general The following are the most common health problems that women face: […]

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