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Healthy tips for Thyroid health

When the thyroid gland is not healthy, it can lead to various complications such as weight gain, depression, and even miscarriage in pregnant women. Thyroid symptoms are usually mild and might go unnoticed, but a simple blood test can help to determine the general condition of the thyroid. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland found […]

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Identify Cervical Cancer

May is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. According to the United Nations, more than 250,000 women die each year from cervical cancer worldwide, with 85 percent of these coming from low- and middle-income nations. In the Philippines, 6,000 women are diagnosed yearly. The cervix is a part of a woman’s reproductive system. It is the lower […]

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Keeping your skin healthy during this summer season

Having a family is one of the most important decisions you can make. It’s a bold but thrilling step forward in family life. Pregnancy is difficult for a woman. She will experience many changes in her physical and emotional characteristics during pregnancy. Here are the things how you can support a pregnant woman: Educate yourself […]

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Foods That Can Cause Hypertension

Heart disease and hypertension are major public health concerns around the world. According to the World Health Organization, the processed food sector is playing a significant role in increasing the number of hypertension patients as it increases, altering the salt content of foods all over the world. High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. […]

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