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Road Safety Month

Presidential Proclamation No. 115-A declares the month of May as Road Safety Month to promote road safety and raise awareness about hazards we can encounter while driving and commuting. Road safety is vital to us.

In Metro Manila, most traffic crash happen in Quezon City, Manila, and Makati since these are the busiest cities we have in the metro. A lot of people lose their life or get injured in road accidents due to the lack of awareness about traffic rules and the behavior of disregarding them. In order to lessen the traffic accidents, awareness to traffic rules is imperative.

Remember to:

1. Check your vehicles regularly.

2. Know your routes before going on a trip.

3. Don’t text while driving.

4. Don’t speed.

5. Always use seat belts

6. And most especially, remember the acronym BLOWBAGETS

At Medgate, you can consult with a specialist doctor trained in telemedicine wherever you are. If you’re not feeling well during your trip or while on the road, never hesitate to look out for your health and Call Doc! We are open 24/7 to give you hassle-free consultations, anywhere, anytime…not just while driving.