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Obesity Prevention Awareness Week

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a chronic disease that affects kids, teenagers and adults. This occurs when an individual has excess weight or body fat that may affect his health. Usually, a doctor may suggest an individual has obesity if they have an elevated Body Mass Index (BMI). You can have an elevated BMI and be healthy, or a regular BMI be unhealthy. Still, BMI is a good place to begin assessing whether your weight is problematic, waist to hip ratio is another factor that the doctor can refer to. Young people usually become overweight or obese because in combination with poor eating habits, they don’t get enough physical activity. Genetics and lifestyle contribute to the weight status of a child as well.

People who are overweight or obese are much more likely to develop serious conditions including:

● Heart disease

● Stroke

● Diabetes

● Bone and Joint Disease

● Breast Cancer

● Colon Cancer

Obesity can also affect the quality of life of a person and their relationship with their family and friends. This can lead to psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. It can also lead to a number of day-to-day problems, such as breathlessness, increased sweating, physical activity difficulties, and joint or back pain.

Improving eating practices and physical activity in adults play a crucial role in obesity prevention. Some of the things you can do are:

● Regularly weighing yourself

● Avoiding foods that are high in fat or calories

● Avoid eating sweet and salty food

● Being physically active

For children, there are ways that parents can help prevent obesity and support healthy child growth. Parents can do many things to assist their kids on attaining and maintaining a good weight:

● Be conscious of the growth of your child

● Provide low-calorie nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables

● Help your kids get the recommended amount of physical activity every day. Exercise may include brisk walking, bicycle riding, swimming, and etc.

● Limit their juice intake and make sure they get the adequate amount of water everyday

Obesity is a result of biopsychological factors, which includes the individual’s genetic predisposition and current hormonal conditions.

Start by taking small, gradual steps toward healthy eating like adding salad to dinner every night, or swapping French fries for steamed vegetables. As small changes become a habit, you can continue adding more.