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Benefits of wearing a surgical mask and how to properly dispose it

Surgical Masks were first introduced by doctors in the 1800s. They quickly became popular among a public eager to protect itself against the influenza pandemic of 1918.

Masks contain filters that prevent germs from being spread. A good quality surgical mask generally has a three-ply layer with the innermost white layer used for absorbing moisture, the middle layer is a filter, and outermost colored layer repels water.

For hygiene reasons, use disposable masks and replace them when they get moist. Masks can only be worn for a maximum of eight hours it is best to change them regularly so they can remain effective.Here are the correct ways to wear and properly dispose of a mask.

Step 1:

Hold the mask in your ear loops and then place them over your ears. The colored part of the mask is the non-absorbent layer and should be faced outside. While the white part, which is the absorbent inner layer, should be faced towards you.

Step 2:

Pinch the metal strip or stiff edge so it takes the shape of your nose bridge.

Step 3:

After pinching the metal strip in your nose bridge, pull the bottom of the surgical mask over your mouth and chin. Ensuring that it covers your mouth and nose.

Step 4:

Once the mask is soiled, remove it by holding the ear loops. Masks can only be worn for a maximum of eight hours and it is best to change them regularly so they can remain effective.

Step 5:

Dispose the soiled mask into the biodegradable bins.

Step 6:

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after disposing the mask.