The COVID-19 global pandemic has caused countries all over the globe to implement a total lockdown. Many countries have closed schools and universities, and large gatherings of people have been stopped. As the cases of COVID-19 in our country rises, it has forced many employees to shift to remote work or work-from-home.
Clearly, most work-at-home parents count more time with the kids as a huge plus. Work-at-home families spend a lot of time together and allows you to be a part of your children’s routines throughout the day.Here’s a definitive guide to doing work from home with children:
1. Bathroom
a. Bubble bath with waterproof toy animals and sponges.
b. Give pets a bath
c. Make paper boats and sail them
d. Let them help you clean the bathroom sink or floors
2. Kitchen
a. Involve them with mixing ingredients or kneading dough
b. Bake something that interests them
c. Prepare a meal with them.
d. Make an ice cream or a smoothie and serve it as a treat.
e. Let them help you clean the kitchen table and floors
3. Bedroom
a. Involve them in organizing and decluttering old clothes and toys
b. Remind and assist them while fixing their bed
4. Art
a. Provide them paper and pencils, markers, and crayons.
b. Let them draw animals, or even maps of places.
c. Try sponge painting as a new technique. Let them use their hands too, if paint is washable.
d. Make use of old boxes to build miniature houses, building, cars
5. Games
a. Learn new card games.
b. Play scrabble
c. Basketball with paper and trash bin
d. Play tick tack toe
e. Race toy cars
f. Play grocery store with canned goods from the pantry and fake money, if available.
g. Play mail: write letters, place in envelopes and take turns delivering them.
h. Play pin the tail on the donkey (with tape).
There’s a lot of things that you can do while you work from home with your kids. Family time is always the best time.