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Understanding Your Telemedicine Experience

Doctors perform one of the most valuable personal services in the world. They care for our bodies in the most intimate of ways. We place our lives in their hands and trust they have our best interest at heart.

As we experience the challenges brought on by the pandemic, there is the need to adapt to the current situation, in the most cautious of ways. This includes the use of technology in consulting with our doctors. Thus, the need for telemedicine has never been more palpable than in recent months. However, implementing telemedicine has presented new challenges for healthcare professionals who are practicing telemedicine.

We spoke to specialist doctors from Medgate to understand the mentality and the mind of a telemedicine doctor. Based on their feedback, here are a couple of points to take note of when you undergo teleconsultation:

· Doctors follow a protocol

Documents such as prescription, medical certificate, laboratory requests are issued only upon the discretion of the treating doctor. Such protocols adhere to the doctors’ oath to heal and do no harm to patients. Years of education and in clinic practice of medicine provides our doctors with the skill and competence to the safety of the patient above all else

· Patient Readiness

When consulting with a doctor, whether physically or via telemedicine, a patient should be ready with all the pertinent information related to the consultation. These items may be, but not limited to, a laboratory or diagnostic results, most recent prescriptions, pediatric booklets and other medical histories. These are essential for a an efficient and comprehensive consultation with your doctor.
