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How to keep your home disinfected

For the healthier body of each family member, everyone’s goal should be to keep the whole house clean with the help of proper hygiene and sanitation. Often, viral infections such as coughs, colds, and flu are transmitted not outside the home but right inside, caused by an unsanitary environment. It can also be taken outside, then cling to the hands, clothes, shoes, and belongings of the occupants.

There are simple ways we can prevent our family from diseases, and from the spread of germs within our own homes. Use warm water, soap, and a clean rag to remove dirt and germs. Cleaning agents and disinfectants can also be used for faster and more efficient cleaning. Mixing three tablespoons of bleach in a gallon of water is also effective as an alternative.

Living room

• Sweep and mop the floor daily.

• Wipe and dust appliances and other equipment

• Avoid putting shoes indoors.


• Before preparing or cooking food, wipe the area around the stove, sink, and kitchen counter thoroughly so that no dirt mixes with your serving.

• Wash cooking utensils such as pans, spoons, knives, and chopping boards thoroughly. Also make sure to properly clean the ingredients to avoid food-borne diseases.

• Make it a habit to wash used plates, glasses, cutlery, and kitchen utensils right away. It is still always best to practice Clean As You Go (CLAYGO)

• Regularly take out or dispose of garbage so that it is not inhabited by insects and rat, which may be carriers of germs.

• Keep the floor clean from dropped food particles.

• Don’t forget to clean the refrigerator several times a month to prevent the proliferation of germs circulating inside. Cleaning the exterior of the refrigerator is a must too most specially the handles.

• Regularly change dishwashing sponges, kitchen towels, hand towels, and rags to keep germs from spreading to hands and other equipment.


• Make it a habit to disinfect the doorknob.

• Have regular bathroom cleaning, especially of the floor, toilet and sink.

• When flushing the toilet, put down the cover to avoid we know the plume of aerosol to scatter. It can travel up to 6 feet in every direction, and at least one-and-a-half to two feet with low-flush toilets. This will avoid your towels and toothbrush to be contaminated.

• Leave the door open to dry the walls and floor of the bathroom to avoid molds in its corners.

• Clean and wipe glass, toothbrush holders, soap dishes, and other containers that may leak water from the toilet.

• Store unused bath towels outside the bathroom. Keep them in a cabinet or covered container.

• Do not put shoes or slippers in the bathroom that are worn outside the house to prevent germs from being carried in it.

Aside from cleaning and disinfecting the house, it is also advisable to observe good personal hygiene. Since hygiene begins with self, it is best to perform proper body cleansing to prevent certain diseases that may come your way.
