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Is Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) real?

Menstruation, often known as a period, is a monthly cycle that women go through. The uterine lining degrades and exits the body through the vaginal canal. The reproductive system and other organs are affected in a variety of ways.

What is Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)?

PMS is a series of emotional, physical, and psychological symptoms that occur after a woman’s ovulation and usually begins 7 to 10 days before the period starts and continues for the first few days of the period. Irritability, depression, crying, oversensitivity, and mood changes are the most common mood-related symptoms. This can be caused by an excess level of estrogen and progesterone.

Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), also known as Late Luteal Phase Dysphoric Disorder, is a more severe type of PMS that affects a smaller number of women and causes significant loss of function due to exceptionally strong symptoms.

PMDD affects between three to eight percent of women, and it is linked to the menstrual cycle, just like PMS. PMDD symptoms are like PMS symptoms, with the exception that women with PMDD may have more dysphoric (depressive) symptoms and more severe symptoms. In fact, symptoms must be severe enough to interrupt a woman’s daily function in order to be diagnosed with PMDD.

What are the symptoms and indicators of PMS?

PMS has been linked to a wide range of symptoms. PMS can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the woman’s cycle. The most frequent mood-related symptoms of PMS include;

• Anger and irritability

• Anxiety• Depression

• Emotional outbursts

• Oversensitivity

• Sadness

• Tension

The following are the most common physical indications and symptoms of PMS:

• Abdominal bloating

• Abdominal pain

• Acne

• Changes in sleep patterns

• Constipation

• Diarrhea•


• Headaches

• Sore breasts

Is PMS real?

Yes, PMS is real. Exactly what causes premenstrual syndrome is unknown, but several factors may contribute to the condition. Many studies believe it has something to do with a change in sex hormone and serotonin levels (brain chemical that plays a crucial role in a person’s mood states) at the start of the menstrual cycle. Ovarian steroids also affect the activity of brain areas linked to premenstrual symptoms.

Consult with your doctor

Schedule an appointment with our doctor if physical pain, mood changes, or other symptoms don’t go away and starts to interfere with your everyday life. Many of the symptoms of PMS improve with treatment. Treatment options include vitamin and mineral supplementation, herbal treatments, and exercise, as well as pharmaceutical therapy, birth control pills, diet and exercise, pharmaceutical therapies (NSAIDs for pain; Diuretics for the weight gain & bloating; Anti-depressants for those with severe PMS or PMDD to reduce the mood symptoms) and hormonal contraceptives.
