2021 is slowly coming to a close and what a year has it been. From increasing cases of COVID-19, to vaccination drives, and now hopefully to slowly easing lockdowns. The remaining days of the year are going to fly by between your work duties, back-to-school activities, and Christmas celebrations with friends and family.
Some people are already looking ahead and preparing for next year. Others, on the other hand, find themselves dwelling on all the goals they didn’t reach and the disappointments they experienced. It’s not too late to conclude the year strong, whether the previous 12 months were full with joy or the darkest time of your life (or anywhere in between).
1. Sleep at a reasonable time and get enough rest.If your 2021 is jam-packed with late night sleeps and work, set objectives for 2022 to sleep early and get adequate rest. This will assist the body in recharging its batteries and calming our minds. It can also make us feel lighter, aid in the prevention of heart disease, and improve our memory.
2. Eat right and healthy food
Make eating right and healthful food a personal shift as well. And since Christmas and New Year are in line, many of us will undoubtedly vow to start a diet in 2022. Keep in mind, however, that simply reducing weight without dieting does not imply that you are healthy. It is preferable to eat every 4 hours and have a “second lunch,” which will keep you energized in the afternoon and satisfy your appetite at night. Meanwhile, be sure that the food you’re eating is nutritious. It’s important to remember that weight loss will be ineffective if the process isn’t correct and nutritious.
3. Highlight your accomplishments.
While looking for ways to improve is beneficial, there’s nothing wrong with patting ourselves on the back for a job well done. This year, you might have gotten around to opening a small savings or investing account. Maybe you gave up smoking or kept to your workout routine. Personal achievements and successes are worth toasting to, no matter how insignificant they may appear.
4. Take a step back and take a look at yourself.
Just as we should acknowledge our victories, we must also acknowledge the areas where we have fallen short. Make a note of all the things you meant to get done this year but didn’t. Then think about how you’re going to make sure it happens right now.
5. Thank the folks who helped you get through the year with a genuine “Thank You”.
Consider all of your low points over the course of the year. Consider who was still there with you at the time. Then express your gratitude to those who have meant so much to you. Those who assist us with an open heart are often unaware of the magnitude of their contribution, thus it is our responsibility to inform them. And to express our gratitude to them.
You are here in the present moment, and the future is blazing in front of you. For the 365 days you lived in 2021, shake it to the left. Shake it to the right for the next 365 days of freshness. Allow 2021 to pass you by, and open your heart wide open for all the loving, learning, and living that awaits you in the new year!