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Women’s month: Providing Healing, Promoting Hope

As part of the worldwide observation of International Women’s Day (IWD), the month of March has been declared as National Women’s Month to highlight the empowerment of women as active contributors to and claimholders of development and growth.

IWD came about as a result of women’s organizing efforts in the early 20th century. Working women in the United States of America took part in the National Women’s Trade Union League and other concerned organizations’ strike organizing actions between 1909 and 1911. They were protesting low wages, the lack of protective legislation, and the extremely bad working circumstances that women faced at the period.

Women have always been known for challenging the status quo. Although the fight for equality has continued as cultures have developed through the past, the role of a woman today is more dynamic than ever. Women in more and more places of the world are no longer bound by traditional ‟gender roles, ” and they have more options than ever before. They can work full-time, run households, and raise families — all at the same time.

However, because of the constant pressures of modern life, a woman’s physical and mental health might sometimes be neglected. Women’s key obstacles to sustaining a healthy lifestyle boil down to two things: a lack of time and a failure to prioritize their own well-being.

From consulting with an OB-Gyne to other health specialists, a lack of time or the presence of other pressing concerns should never prevent a woman from accessing quality healthcare, no matter how fast paced life gets.

Furthermore, professional medical advice is always preferable to a hasty internet search for symptoms or self-medication, especially at the outset of an illness. Medgate makes it simple for any woman to connect with the people she needs to manage her health – whenever she needs them and wherever she is – with its 24/7 availability.

For women’s health needs, stay at home and call a doctor anytime with Medgate. We are here with you providing healing and hope.
