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Vitamins for the early stage of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is both thrilling and stressful. Especially for first-time mothers who are unsure about how to care for their future children.

What hormonal changes are felt in the first trimester of pregnancy?

• Fatigue

• Tender and swollen breasts

• Nausea that sometimes includes vomiting• Frequent urination

• Sensitivity to taste or smell

• Heartburn or the rise of stomach acid in your esophagus

• Constipation

• Mood fluctuations

What changes in your baby during this stage of development?

The brain and spinal cord, as well as other components of his neural system, make up his body. Facial features like the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears develop. The baby’s hands, feet and reproductive system begin to develop at three months. As your baby grows, you must also take care of yourself in order to be healthy and safe until your due date.

The following are some of the Prenatal Vitamins you’ll require:

• Vitamin B6

Morning sickness, or nausea and vomiting every morning, is a common occurrence throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. This is something that vitamin B6 can help with. In addition, this vitamin plays a role in the development of the brain and nervous system of the baby. Some natural sources of Vitamin B6 include whole-grain cereals, nuts, bananas and beef.

• Calcium

Calcium is important for the developing baby’s bone and teeth formation. During pregnancy, the calcium supply of the mother is consumed by the baby. Hence the advice of increased Calcium intake will take care of the baby’s need and the mother. Aside from the supplement, natural sources of calcium can be found in milk, cheese, yogurt and dark green leafy vegetables.

• Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important in the absorption and metabolism of calcium. It supports healthy bone and teeth development in the baby. It also helps promote healthy eyesight and skin.

• Iron

Iron is essential in the production of red blood cells. This helps the pregnant mother meet the demands of increased blood volume. The red blood cells also assist in delivering oxygen to the developing baby. Some foods rich in iron are lean red meat, poultry and fish.

• Folic Acid

Folic acid plays a role in the prevention of nervous system birth abnormalities. It also supports the general growth and development of the fetus and placenta. Folic acid has also been found to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia which can cause premature birth of the baby.

Starting a prenatal vitamin should be at the top of your preconception to-do list if you’re seriously considering becoming pregnant in the coming months. If you’re already pregnant, you should start taking one right away. It will aid in the development of your child’s strength and health (as well as your own!).

If you’re not thinking about getting pregnant right now but could be in the future, take a folic acid vitamin every day. This will provide you with all that you may require if you become pregnant, without overdoing it on prenatal nutrients.
