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Oily Skin: The Facts Washed and Cleared
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Oily skin is one of the most common cosmetic problems people face when it comes to their skin. Contrary to popular belief, oily skin serves a purpose in keeping the skin healthy. Sebaceous glands located under your pores produce the oil called sebum that helps preserve the skin, even the scalp. It keeps the skin hydrated and protected from oxidative skin damage and microbes. 

However, secretion of sebum depends on the person and their skin type. Some produce just the right amount, while others produce too much. Other risk factors for oily skin include:

Risk Factors for Oily Skin

Family History

Oily skin is a trait that can be inherited. It is not far off that you will have increased sebum production if a number of people in your immediate family have it, too. However, skin-care products and treatments are available to control your natural sebum. 

Age Can Worsen Oily Skin if Not Paired with Proper Skin-Care

It is no secret that aging affects the skin. The skin loses proteins such as collagen and the sebaceous gland activity decreases with advancing age. These contribute to the dry skin of aging people and the appearance of noticeable fine lines and wrinkles. 

There is, however, an upside to having oily skin: the signs of aging may not be observed as quickly as their drier counterparts.  

Location and Climate Affects the Rate of Sebum

The temperature and season play a role in the state of your skin. People in hot and humid areas tend to have oilier skin because the sebaceous glands overproduce sebum. The sebaceous glands work in conjunction with the gland producing sweat to help cool off the body. So, anything that increases our temperature will also actively increase oil production. 

Incompatible Skin-Care Products and Procedures Worsens Oily Skin

Using wrong skin-care products can worsen oily skin. The use of harsh cleansers, drying toners and astringents, for example, will dry the skin and lead to irritation and further excess oil production. If use of these products is needed, they should be used sparingly. 

For oily skin, oil-free and non-comedogenic skin-care products should be used. Additionally, do not skip on usinbg water-based moisturizers. Its use is essential as it keeps the skin properly hydrated, making it possible for the skin to function properly, thus preventing irritation, infections, and premature aging. 

Despite this, avoid frequently washing your face and exfoliating. Over-cleansing and exfoliating can dry the skin causing it to produce more oil in response. It is best to keep your daily skin-care routine simple, using gentle yet effective formulas. 

Lastly, don’t forget to put on your sunscreen! Every skin type needs sunscreen.  

It always pays to be informed.  

Skin-care is an important part of our lives. It affects our appearance, confidence, and our demeanor. However, it is only one part of self-care. To know more about your skin and how to care for it, consult with a dermatologist.

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2023 | Lifestyle | Oily Skin | Skin-Care