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Gluten: The Truth Down To The Grain

These days, the world of dieting and eating healthy seems to have been taken over by the term “Gluten-free”. With the bad press that gluten has got, people have jumped on the bandwagon against gluten. But what is gluten? Is it really that bad? What is Gluten? Gluten is a protein commonly found in grains. […]

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Constipation: What’s to Know?

Do you discharge stool more than thrice a week? Do you easily pass stool? If you answered no to both questions, you may be experiencing constipation. Excretion is a process that starts in the colon. The colon’s main function is to absorb water from residual food as it passes through the digestive system. This process […]

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Gift Ideas for the Holidays (2022)

The holidays are upon us. A long break, time with loved ones, a lot of food, and bonuses are to be expected. Gifts in every sense, however, there is one type of gift that plagues people every year: gift ideas. Gifting is a very complicated activity for people who take it to heart. The good […]

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Stay Safe For a COVID-Free Holiday

How do you prepare for a COVID-free holiday? Are you still wearing facemasks? Do you still sanitize surfaces or yourself every so often?   People are aware of but are intentionally skipping these steps because of something called Pandemic Fatigue. Pandemic fatigue is the culmination of experiences, emotions, and perceptions collected during the pandemic.  It has been […]

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UTI – The Truth Released

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common infection of the urinary system. It is almost always caused by bacteria, but can also be secondary to fungi or viruses. The urinary tract comprises the lower (the urethra and bladder) and the upper tract (the ureters and kidneys). Most UTI cases affect only the lower tract but […]

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