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Providing high-quality, convenient, confidential, and comprehensive health care for the patient through telemedicine—Medgate Philippines

Article by CIO Bulletin, Recently, telemedicine became remarkably important due to the increased deployment and development of digital technologies. Also, during the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare consumers altered their expectations for what healthcare will look like in the future. Healthcare’s digital front doors are opening up access, and providers are adopting telemedicine technology to meet […]

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Monkeypox FAQ

The World Health Organization (WHO) has just recently declared Monkeypox a global health emergency. With the Philippines having detected its first monkeypox case last July 28, no time is better than now to know more about the virus and how to be safe from it. What is Monkeypox? According to the WHO, Monkeypox is an […]

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Eye health & prevention of blindness

Your eye health is as important as your general health. With this month being Sight Saving month, here are some tips on how to maintain great eye health and prevent blindness. There exists a common misconception that blindness is only limited to those who are born with it and due to eye health deterioration due […]

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Breastfeeding – benefits, and alternatives

It is without a doubt that breastfeeding has a lot of great benefits not only for the baby but also for the mother’s health. However, according to UNICEF, in 2021, about two in five babies were breastfed by 5 months of age. Different circumstances may arise for the mother when it comes to breastfeeding. With […]

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Misconceptions about GERD

There’s a strong possibility that you have heard a lot about acid reflux and heartburn if you or a loved one has GERD. Misconceptions about GERD are common, just like with many medical illnesses.  Popular misconceptions can affect how we understand diseases like acid reflux and heartburn, making it more difficult to obtain relief and […]

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