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Different types of vaccine for COVID-19

One way to stop the spread of a virus is through vaccines. Vaccine works by helping our bodies combat the virus when it enters the human body. When germs, like the virus that causes COVID-19, invade our bodies, they attack and multiply. This invasion, called an infection, is what causes the disease. In a careful […]

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Sleep care is the new self-care

2021 is here and the first thing on everybody’s agenda should be: self-care! Self-care is a personal matter. Everyone’s approach is different. When we discuss about self-care, we talk about the actions you can take to develop, protect, maintain, and improve health and well-being. It can be super helpful to integrate self-care activities or a […]

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Being your best self this 2021

As another year has ended, one full of unprecedented times, it is the perfect time to look back on what we have accomplished and what goals that excites us do we set this 2021. 2020 surprised us with its grand entrance of the Australia forest fire and we have experience a volcanic eruption in the […]

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Firecracker Injury Prevention

Firecrackers are small explosive devices mainly intended to create a huge volume of noise. However, other firecrackers can cause injury to humans, such as burns, poisoning, breathing issues, eye damage and serious hand injuries. Every December is Firecracker Injury Prevention Month. During this month, the government and other private groups are organizing different anti-firecracker program […]

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A new way to spend Christmas

The COVID-19 pandemic may have changed and influenced the Christmas shopping behavior of most Filipinos, but this will not stop them from continuing this year’s tradition of holiday gift-giving. This year’s holiday celebrations will be different from what we’re accustomed to as safety protocols continue to regulate gatherings and enforce physical distancing, reunions, get-togethers, and […]

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