Avoid Heartbreak: Upgrading Your Heart Health
01 February 2023
Heart health is an important part of self-care in all aspects. The emotional, social, and physical welfare of your heart is necessary for a person to function correctly with the most important being the latter. Like engines, the heart, along with the brain, makes the entire body function. It is always active, even when we […]
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Antibiotic Resistance: What is it?
24 January 2023
Antibiotics are medications used to prevent and treat bacterial infections. They work by either killing the bacteria or slowing and suspending its growth. But in recent times, people have been wary about the effects of its frequent use. Antibiotic resistance is rising to dangerously high levels in all parts of the world. Does it sound […]
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Dandruff: The Facts of the Flakes
16 January 2023
Dandruff is the excess shedding of the skin on the scalp, eyebrows, and the sides of the nose. The top layer of the skin is made up of dead cells, protecting the more vulnerable cells beneath. Normally, these dead cells are shed as the body produces new ones. With dandruff, however, the shed skin comes […]
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Sleep Hygiene: The Science of Catching Zs
09 January 2023
Sleep hygiene helps the body reach its optimal levels: healthy and safer from diseases. Without it, the brain will not be able to function properly. Worse, this can impair concentration, clarity, and memory processes. Sleep hygiene helps the body reach its optimal levels: healthy and safer from diseases. Without it, the brain will not be […]
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Hacking Your Happy Chemicals
28 December 2022
Did you know that the body releases hormones called happy chemicals to make us feel good? Happiness is an abstract feeling. It can be the feeling of contentment, optimism, or hope. When one thinks of happiness, it is instinctive to think of it as just a mood or a state of being. However, it is […]
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