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How to Detect and Treat Thyroid Problems

The thyroid is the small butterfly-shaped organ in the middle part of the neck. It is also called the “master controller” because it is responsible for producing, storing, and releasing thyroid hormones into the blood. Thyroid hormones play an important role in our body affecting the brain and other organs. What is the role of […]

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Taking care of your children’s mental health

Now that Metro Manila is still in the midst of a lockdown due to the pandemic, and have yet to see its imminent end, many of us are already experiencing boredom, loneliness, and exhaustion due to the cancellation of our usual lives. The most prone to this problem, other than adults, are children. Minors are […]

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Gentle Parenting

Parenthood is one of the most challenging and fulfilling roles in this lifetime. A child is born into the world with sheer innocence and curiosity. John Locke, an English philosopher, proposed the concept of “tabula rasa” that translates to blank slate, where children are molded according to their upbringing. They get their values from their […]

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When is the Best Time to Have a Baby?

by Dena Mae Amor Desabille-Deblois, MD, MPH Only have a child when you are ready, whether you are 19 years old, 28 years old, or 40 years old. In the Philippines, the expense of having a child has increased significantly, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only the monetary cost of a baby’s first year […]

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Common Myths about Breastfeeding

by Dr Dena Mae Amor Desabille-Deblois Breastfeeding is natural, yet it is not easy. It is a mix of breastfeeding, dedication, and an enabling environment for the mother and her baby. This liquid gold has well-established benefits and being aware of them will empower a woman who intends to breastfeed. Breastfeeding is also associated with […]

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