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Why bananas?

Still remember your parents asking you to eat bananas whenever you have an upset stomach? You have probably asked yourself, “why bananas?”.. You may also be wondering why many people include bananas in their daily dietary intake. Banana is a well-loved fruit. It’s readily available almost anywhere in the world. We love its colors as […]

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Want to boost your health? Travel!

If laughter is the best medicine, travelling could not be that far behind. When’s the last time you travelled? No, no, no. Not business travels. Let’s talk about the type where you literally disconnect from your work and get away from life’s vicious cycle called, “routine”. Now, if you can combine travelling and laughter, then […]

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Manage Your Cholesterol Through Lifestyle Changes

Have you ever wondered why the world is so concerned about high cholesterol levels? For one, it increases your risk of having heart disease and heart attacks. You may not know it, but your current cholesterol levels may already be jump-starting a disease process in your heart. Better have yourself checked. There are many ways to […]

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Cold vs Allergies: How To Tell The Difference

Tomorrow’s a work day, but you’re not feeling well. Another ‘tardy’ remark on your records is out of the question, let alone taking a leave-of-absence for a checkup. You’re coughing, sneezing, your nose is stuffy, you have nasal congestion and so much more. What would you do? Right! You Google and then self-medicate, sleep and […]

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Three Health Issues for Millennials

The registered voters in the Philippines last 2016 are aged 17 to 34, while 53% of the working-age population are millennials. That is just a snapshot of how they rule today’s world. The Western narrative says millennials love watching TVs, streaming videos, texting, mobile music, going out with friends, being online a whole lot more and are used to easy access. […]

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