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Gift Ideas for the Holidays (2022)

The holidays are upon us. A long break, time with loved ones, a lot of food, and bonuses are to be expected. Gifts in every sense, however, there is one type of gift that plagues people every year: gift ideas. Gifting is a very complicated activity for people who take it to heart. The good […]

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Stay Safe For a COVID-Free Holiday

How do you prepare for a COVID-free holiday? Are you still wearing facemasks? Do you still sanitize surfaces or yourself every so often?   People are aware of but are intentionally skipping these steps because of something called Pandemic Fatigue. Pandemic fatigue is the culmination of experiences, emotions, and perceptions collected during the pandemic.  It has been […]

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UTI – The Truth Released

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common infection of the urinary system. It is almost always caused by bacteria, but can also be secondary to fungi or viruses. The urinary tract comprises the lower (the urethra and bladder) and the upper tract (the ureters and kidneys). Most UTI cases affect only the lower tract but […]

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Spreading The Truth About Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is the most common zoonotic pathogen in the world, being endemic in tropical regions and prevalent after heavy rainfall and flooding. The disease is most notorious for being easily contracted with wildly varying levels of severity. The disease is caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira, and is most commonly obtained through contact with […]

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Eye Health: A Quick Glance

Did you know there are easier ways of improving your eye health? In observance of World Eyesight Day, it is time to be more informed about basic eye health.  The eyes are as sensitive as they are useful. They require constant care but give us the ability to see.  Many dangers await people who neglect […]

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Filtering the Truth About Liver Disease

Have you ever heard that alcohol will give you liver disease?  With Oktoberfest and Halloween coming, alcohol consumption is sure to be a staple at every gathering. Alcohol plays a rather large part in human life, with every culture having its own specialty drink. Often called a social lubricant, it brings life to social events […]

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Dispelling the Wild Myths About Rabies

What is Rabies? Rabies is a viral disease that is highly fatal, but easily preventable. It is a curable disease but is still a very common concern, particularly for people who have frequent exposure to animals. It attacks the nervous system and causes inflammation in the brain, more commonly known as encephalitis.     Myths […]

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ADHD: A Quick Guide

ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects behavior. As the name suggests, the condition affects hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.   ADHD is often discovered at an early age, but symptoms become more noticeable when dealing with changing circumstances such as when they start school. Most diagnoses are made during ages 3 to 7, […]

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Cerebral Palsy: The Types, Causes, and How to Deal with It

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that affect a person’s motor movements, including balance and posture.  The word cerebral means having or relating to the brain, and palsy, or paralysis accompanied by involuntary tremors. Caused by abnormal development or damage to a developing brain, this affects a person’s ability to control their muscles. […]

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Back-To-School Blues

It’s back-to-school season once again. Exciting time for kids but not necessarily for you. Adults around the world go through a lot of stress this time of year. Asking themselves if the kids have complete school supplies. Will they be able to fit in? What about their “baon”? Will I give them money or prepare […]

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Stomach Ulcer: not your common stomach ache

A stomach ulcer has oftentimes been misinterpreted as a normal stomach ache. It is important to identify one’s condition correctly before certain medical complications, such as bleeding at the site of the ulcer, perforation, and gastric obstruction arise. While these complications are relatively uncommon, there is still the possibility of them happening and they can […]

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Healthcare For All

Article by Corporate Vision Healthcare has to be accessible to everyone, and innovative solutions are key to this. The team behind Medgate Philippines have leveraged telemedicine to offer a different approach to the people of the Philippines. Recognised by Corporate Vision for the second time, Medgate Philippines is bestowed with the prestigious title of Best […]

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Gout – information and treatments

Anyone can be affected by Gout. While there is no cure for it, the best way to treat or prevent it to worsen is to be informed about what it is and what precautionary measures you can take. What is gout? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), gout is a common […]

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Providing high-quality, convenient, confidential, and comprehensive health care for the patient through telemedicine—Medgate Philippines

Article by CIO Bulletin, Recently, telemedicine became remarkably important due to the increased deployment and development of digital technologies. Also, during the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare consumers altered their expectations for what healthcare will look like in the future. Healthcare’s digital front doors are opening up access, and providers are adopting telemedicine technology to meet […]

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