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5 healthy holiday gifts

We only have a few days till Christmas, so we need to be able to prepare and purchase Christmas gifts, as well as save a present for our children. If you’re on a budget, you can give a unique and special present this holiday season by giving healthy and inexpensive gifts. What are some good […]

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No Jingle Bells When Ear Swells

By Phidelle Andres, M.D Ear infections are common occurrences in all age groups. Of these illnesses, the two most commonly encountered in the clinics are Acute Otitis Externa (AOE) and Acute Otitis Media (AOM). Approximately 10% of people will develop otitis externa during their lifetime, and the majority of cases (95%) are acute. Most occur […]

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Transition from childhood to adulthood

Children spend the most of their time with their parents before starting preschool or grade school: learning from them, laughing, crying, and sharing everything in between. Parenting may go on many different directions. Some parenting techniques can make children’s transition from childhood to adulthood more difficult. If parents lack enough care and supervision for their […]

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Children and Screen Time: Is my child having too much?

by Carla Mia Carandang, M.D, DPPS Smart phones, Smart TVs, and tablets are now part of the Filipino household. In this modern day and age, fun and socialization for the younger population are mostly dependent on gadgets. This is especially true during this time of the pandemic where children spend most of their time in […]

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Vitamin C For Kids

The human body can be compared to a machine that has many different parts and has different roles to play in keeping an individual alive and healthy. Every part of the body is important for its overall function. For the body to function properly, it needs organic nutrients that we call vitamins. Vitamins are nutrients […]

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