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Preparing yourself for the new normal

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused massive changes in our daily lives quickly and abruptly and our world has changed dramatically. Many people are lucky enough to adapt; others have a hard time coping with the new situation, which is causing an immense amount of stress. All of this has made stress management important to people, […]

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Road to a better LIFE foundation

Medgate, the leading telemedicine provider in the Philippines, announced today that it has partnered with Real LIFE Foundation, through Purple Cow and Etiqa PH, as they strive to provide accessible healthcare to Filipinos. Purple Cow is a unique health plan that stands out in the field of Employee Benefits. Founded on August 8, 2008 by […]

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Easy to cook meals for having a balanced diet

Good nutrition is vital to our health, particularly in periods when the immune system may need to fight back. Staying at home for a long period of time may increase our consumption of highly processed food, which are high in fats, sugars, and salt. Reduced access to fresh food will compromise opportunities to eating properly […]

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How to properly discard your face mask after use

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) said the discarded medical face masks, along with disposable plastics and other trash, are “slowly becoming a frequent sighting in Manila Bay waters.” Single -use face masks are being washed up on the shores of Manila Bay due to its inappropriate disposal. Because of the pandemic, the […]

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Taking care of your overall wellbeing

Taking care of yourself is paramount to your success. It is never a bad time to focus on taking extra good care of yourself as your body and mind are your most valuable assets. They need to be kept in good shape to get through each day. You can find little ways to take care […]

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