Dengue Awareness Month
10 June 2020
Most of us take care of ourselves to prevent the coronavirus from occurring. But when doing so, we may have forgotten that some diseases still needs our attention. June is dengue awareness month. Dengue has been considered by Department of Health (DOH) as a year-round disease which incidents rises during rainy seasons. Dengue is transmitted […]
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How To Take Care of Your Skin
03 June 2020
Most of us is getting used to the “new normal” and working from home. Typically, before we get into our business and go to work or school, we get up, take a shower, wash our faces, and then eat breakfast. But because of the pandemic, most of us might have changed and skipped some of […]
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Can pets get COVID 19
27 May 2020
A very small number of pets, including dogs and cats, have been reported to be infected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Researchers and authorities are constantly learning about the new coronavirus, but it appears it can spread from people to animals and between animals (particularly cats) in some situations. The risk of human-to-animal transmission is […]
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Pandemic, Epidemic, Outbreak
20 May 2020
What is an Epidemic? Bigger and spreading. Epidemic refers to a sudden increase in the number of cases of a disease above what is normally expected. What is an Outbreak? Small, but unusual. An outbreak occurs when there is a sudden rise in the number of cases of a disease. It carries the same definition […]
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Basic protective measures against COVID-19
13 May 2020
COVID-19 has changed us a lot in a different way. How we live, how we approach people, how we go grocery shopping, and how we think. We became careful about our surroundings and how we communicate with people around us. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person by droplets. When an infected person […]
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