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Understanding Your Telemedicine Experience

Doctors perform one of the most valuable personal services in the world. They care for our bodies in the most intimate of ways. We place our lives in their hands and trust they have our best interest at heart. As we experience the challenges brought on by the pandemic, there is the need to adapt […]

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How to handle or support loved ones who have COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone globally. As we take on these unprecedented days together, we might know someone whose life has been altered by the COVID-19 pandemic in some way. It’s times like these when we’re especially lucky to be surrounded by helpful people. As we all struggle to understand our new normal, what […]

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All you need to know about expired medication

What is expired medication? Every medication has an expiration. They have expiry dates so you know when to use them by. Beyond the expiry date, medicines may not be safe or as effective. Can you take expired medications? Because of a change in chemical composition or a reduction in strength, expired medical products may be […]

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All you need to know about expired medication

What is expired medication? Every medication has an expiration. They have expiry dates so you know when to use them by. Beyond the expiry date, medicines may not be safe or as effective. Can you take expired medications? Because of a change in chemical composition or a reduction in strength, expired medical products may be […]

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Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week

On the basis of Proclamation No. 124 signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in 2001, Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week is observed every third week of November. The proclamation highlights a nationwide and a systematically-coordinated community information drive against the evils of drug abuse with the objective to increase awareness and understanding of the adverse […]

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